Tuesday 31 July 2012

Argentina Travel Tips

With the first leg of our travels through Argentina now behind us we thought it would be fun to share some tips we learned along the way.
Tip #1:
“If you are tenth in line at an ATM with fifteen people behind you, and you have been waiting 30 minutes already, don’t fret you’re turn will eventually come.” (La Quiaca)
Tip #2:
“When you have a bad day of traveling just drink 4 litres of beer - that will fix any problems.” (Salta)
Tip #3:
“When the power goes off it is perfectly acceptable for the waitress to escort you to the restaurant washroom in the dark by a giant fluorescent light” (Salta)
Tip #4:
“Instead of having stop signs or traffic lights at intersections just let the traffic decide when to go – it seems to work in Argentina.” (Argentina)
Tip #5:
“If Gravol, Immodium and Dramamine doesn’t curb your motion sickness while riding an overnight bus just grab a plastic bag and hope for the best.” (Cordoba)
Tip #6:
“Siestas really are great.” (Cordoba)
Tip #7:
“If you miss the foods back home eat at a Subway – it is healthy, delicious and tastes the exact same as it does back in Canada.” (Mendoza)
Tip #8:
“Appreciate your electric washer and dryer as washing and ringing your clothes by hand and then hanging them in your hotel room is hard work!” (Mendoza)
Tip #9:
“While in Argentina try Grido Ice Cream – it is crazy cheap and tastes divine.” (Mendoza)
Tip #10:
“When singing in the shower make sure that the walls in the hostel are soundproof.” (Bariloche)
Tip #11:
“Bring back the fondue craze – it is delicious and a tonne of fun.” (Bariloche)
Tip #12:
“When exiting a country (Argentina) and entering a new one (Chile) make sure that you have the proper documents in hand.” (Argentinean border)


  1. Lots of great tips learned through the first leg of your travels through Argentina! You've certainly learned MANY travel tips up to this half way mark of your journey! I like Tip #6....siestas certainly ARE great, no matter where you are (even at home) (ha)! I always enjoy your travel tips, and of course your blog entries too. Keep having a super time!

    Love Mom/Sue

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